Illustrated and written by Jeff Smith, Bones is an American fantasy comic book published throughout 55 irregular releases within 1991 to 2004.Bone has won several awards such as 11 Harvey Awards and 10 Eisner Awards (such as Best Cartoonist and Best Humour Publication). Bone has won multiple awards internationally in France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain, and Finland. Bone follows the stories of the three Bone cousins: Fone Bone, Phoney Bone, and Smiley Bone after being separated and run out of Boneville! As each cousin explores uncharted land, they stumble upon terrifying creatures and wonderful companions. Soon enough, the Bone cousins are compelled to partake in a quest that saves all of the Valley!
Jeff Smith is an American cartoonist. Smith grew up in Columbus, Ohio and attended Ohio State University. Here he created the origins of his infamous comic book “Bone” from a comic strip called “Thorn” for his student newspaper. Originally he published his comic book series through his own publishing company “Cartoon Books” and eventually published the first volume of BONE in full-color through “Scholastic”.